Geomembrane Application and Uses December 30, 2019 by GeoTrust in Facts All our application for geomembrane As liners for potable waterAs liners for reserve water (e.g., safe shutdown of nuclear facilities)As liners for waste liquids (e.g., sewage sludge)Liners for radioactive or hazardous waste liquidAs liners for secondary containment of underground storage tanksAs liners for solar pondsAs liners for brine solutionsAs liners for the agriculture industryAs liners for the aquiculture industry, such as fish/shrimp pondAs liners for golf course water holes and sand bunkersAs liners for all types of decorative and architectural pondsAs liners for water conveyance canalsAs liners for various waste conveyance canalsAs liners for primary, secondary, and/or tertiary solid-waste landfills and waste pilesAs liners for heap leach padsAs covers (caps) for solid-waste landfillsAs covers for aerobic and anaerobic manure digesters in the agriculture industryAs covers for power plant coal ashAs liners for vertical walls: single or double with leak detectionAs cutoffs within zoned earth dams for seepage controlAs linings for emergency spillwaysAs waterproofing liners within tunnels and pipelinesAs waterproof facing of earth and rockfill damsAs waterproof facing for roller compacted concrete damsAs waterproof facing for masonry and concrete damsWithin cofferdams for seepage controlAs floating reservoirs for seepage controlAs floating reservoir covers for preventing pollutionTo contain and transport liquids in trucksTo contain and transport potable water and other liquids in the oceanAs a barrier to odors from landfillsAs a barrier to vapors (radon, hydrocarbons, etc.) beneath buildingsTo control expansive soilsTo control frost-susceptible soilsTo shield sinkhole-susceptible areas from flowing waterTo prevent infiltration of water in sensitive areasTo form barrier tubes as damsTo face structural supports as temporary cofferdamsTo conduct water flow into preferred pathsBeneath highways to prevent pollution from deicing saltsBeneath and adjacent to highways to capture hazardous liquid spillsAs containment structures for temporary surchargesTo aid in establishing uniformity of subsurface compressibility and subsidenceBeneath asphalt overlays as a waterproofing layerTo contain seepage losses in existing above-ground tanksAs flexible forms where loss of material cannot be allowed. May 20, 2020